Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Salmon by Salamone

This is an email I got today from an old friend:
Yo, Sales Money! Happen to have a good salmon recipe for me? (girlfriend's name) is coming over for dinner Friday and really likes it. I was just gonna grill it, but figured you'd have an ace up your sleeve. Thanks!"

Interestingly enough, I do have a favorite salmon recipe, and it's really easy to prepare. I'd serve it with a side of wild rice (just get a box) or fried rice and broccoli. This recipe uses minced ginger, which you can buy in a jar. Since it's not something you'll use a lot of, you may want to grate a clove of ginger, available from Whole Foods pretty easily. It also calls for sesame seeds, which are also easily obtainable at Whole Foods, and usually in the bulk section, so you don't have to buy more than you need.

Ingredients: (aprox $15)
2 of your fish monger's finest salmon steaks
4 tablespoons of soy sauce
2 tablespoons of honey
1 teaspoon of minced ginger, or one grated clove of ginger
pinch of white pepper
2 teaspoons sesame seeds

Preheat your oven to broil. Line a baking dish with aluminum foil, and spray with cooking spray. Mix the soy sauce, honey, pepper and ginger until one consistency. Brush with the glaze you just mixed. Broil for 10 minutes.

While your fish is broiling, in a frying pan, brown your sesame seeds. This will just take a couple of minutes. Stir well. You'll smell them and see them change color when done.

Plate your salmon, drizzle with remaining glaze, and sprinkle sesame seeds over top.

Drink suggestion: SAKE!

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