Thursday, January 7, 2010

Serving Her Just Desserts

Today we'll talk about a great dessert, and the art of turning that casual acquaintance into something more.

Inviting a woman over for just dessert and tea or coffee is a great way to turn a casual friend into something more intimate. Say you're out with a group of friends to see a show, or attend an event, and you'd really like to take things a step further with one of those friends... Invite her over for dessert.

Using our recipes is a great, disarming way to invite women over. "Are you doing anything after this? I've got a great new recipe for grilled pineapple over sorbet. You should join me for dessert and coffee." On the creepy factor of one to ten, this is a zero. Unless you make weird facial expressions while you say it. Toss in the "It's so much more fun to share when I cook," to say that you're independent, but prefer companionship, like we discussed the other day.

You'll need some supplies for this recipe, but it's easy to prepare, quick, and something you'll crave again after tasting. She will too

Grilled Pineapple on Sorbet (15 minutes)

Ingredients: (less than $10)
1 pineapple, cored and cut into slices about as thick as your thumbnail. (in rings)
1/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons of lemon or lime juice. (doesn't really matter which)
4 tablespoons of honey
dash of cinnamon
1/8 cup water
Orange sorbet (or any flavor really, I just think orange goes best)

Combine everything but the pineapple and sorbet in a bowl, and mix until one consistency. Heat up a grill, a Forman, or a skillet. Something that will leave grill marks is best.

Dip the pineapple rings into the sauce, and grill, for about 3-5 minutes a side. You want the pineapple to be hot. You know, grilled. Feel free to brush on any remaining sauce.

An easier version of this, but not as awesome, is to skip the sauce. Just grill the pineapple, and lightly drizzle with honey before serving.

Serve hot, over a scoop of sorbet. Easy. Like Sunday morning. And you.

Suggested drink: Kahlua and coffee

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