Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Saved by the Pantry : the Surprise Game

Today we'll discuss why having the essential "pantry" items from my first post can work to your benefit.

Here's a true scenario:

I'd just stepped out of the shower when the doorbell rang. I quickly threw on some shorts and a t-shirt to answer the door. It was a cute bartender I had recently met, and totally forgot that I'd told her where I lived. I apologized for it taking so long to get to the door, explaining the shower, and told her it was a pleasant surprise to see her.

"I wasn't doing much today, so I thought I'd return that CD you gave me, and stop in on you," she said, smiling as she handed me a CD I didn't even remember giving her.

I thanked her, likely looking puzzled, and she started to walk away. "Have you eaten yet?" I asked her, before inviting her in. "I was just about to make something, you should join me."

I hadn't been to the grocery all week, but I always keep my basic supplies on hand, so I wasn't scared. I put the CD she brought on (I still don't think it was mine) and offered her a glass of wine.

I quickly threw a pot of water on to boil, and threw a big handful of frozen broccoli in with it. I brought her a glass of red wine, which I always try to have on hand. I said that I was just going to throw together a simple but nice pasta dish, and I was glad that she'd join me. "I hate cooking just for myself," I said, which has always been a good line for me. It says that I'm independent, but prefer companionship.

After excusing myself, because I figured the water would be boiling, I added a half box of pasta, a pinch of salt and a drop of olive oil to the pot. I then went and grabbed a CD similar to the one we were listening to, and brought it back to the living room. "I'll just be a few more minutes in the kitchen, but thought I should lend you this album next."

I expressed continuing our supposed mutual interest, that she was validated for her reasoning to stop by, and that I trust her with my property.

In five minutes, the pasta was done. I drained it, tossed it in olive oil, and seasoned it to taste with the garlic powder, salt and pepper I always have on hand.

Why do I use garlic powder? It's CHEAP, and cooking with it doesn't make my hands smell like garlic for the rest of the day. You want it to taste like you can cook, but you don't want to smell like you are a cook.

I brought the plates into the living room, and the rest of the bottle of wine, and topped off her glass before pouring myself one. As she enjoyed her meal, (which she did very much) I asked her about what sort of books interested her. Shortly after we finished eating, we were looking at my book collection, where I kissed her. Being a gentleman, I'll close the story by just saying it was good that I'd picked up some fresh fruit from a stand that day, because it was the perfect snack a few hours later to re-energize with.

The lessons I learned and am trying to share with you today? Always have a stocked pantry, and never pass by a fruit stand without at least browsing.


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